12 Natural Repellents to Get Rid of Cats From Your Garden

Are cats wreaking havoc in your garden? Do you find yourself frustrated in the wake of their destruction of your hard-earned plants, flowers, and vegetables? It’s time to take back control of your garden by cat-proofing it with natural repellants.

Natural repellents are a great way to keep cats away without having to resort to harsher methods, like motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic sound deterrents.

In this article, we will go over the best 12 natural cat repellents that you can use to keep your garden intact. We’ll also provide step-by-step instructions for applying them and making them more effective.

So, let’s get started on cat-proofing your garden!

12 Natural Repellents to Get Rid of Cats in Your Garden

Now that we have an understanding of the problem and the solution, let’s look at the different types of natural repellents you can use to keep cats away from your garden.

  1. Coffee Grounds
  2. Citrus Peels
  3. Plant Coleus Canina (Scaredy Cat Plant)
  4. Garlic Spray
  5. Hot Pepper Repellent
  6. Motion Sensor Sprinklers
  7. Ultrasonic Deterrent
  8. Outdoor Litter Box
  9. Plastic Forks
  10. Chicken Wire
  11. Landscaping Rocks
  12. Commercial Repellents

Now that you know the types of natural repellents available, let’s look at how to apply them.

1. Coffee Grounds

Cats are naturally curious and explorative animals. They love to explore and sniff out new areas, and spreading strong-smelling scents in your garden can be a great way to keep them away. Coffee grounds are an excellent natural repellent, as the smell is strong enough to deter cats from entering the garden.

To apply, spread coffee grounds around the perimeter of your garden. Alternatively, you can place them in small dishes and strategically position them near the entrance of your garden to keep cats away.

Spreading coffee grounds close to the base of your plants will also add nutrients to the soil and deter other pests such as ants and slugs.

2. Citrus Peels

Another strong-smelling natural repellent is citrus peels! Not only do the peels have a strong scent, but they are also very acidic and cats hate it when it gets in their fur.

Citrus peels lose much of their potency over time, especially if they are cut into smaller pieces. To make them last longer, try to remove the peel in one large piece. Place the peels around the perimeter of your garden or near entry points to deter cats from entering.

3. Plant Coleus Canina (Scaredy Cat Plant)

Coleus Canina, also known as the “Scaredy Cat Plant” is a great natural repellent for cats due to its strong scent. Planting the Coleus Canina in your garden will help to keep cats away, and it will also look great as a decorative plant!

Scaredy cat plants require very little maintenance and can be planted in full sun or partial shade. They should be watered regularly and fertilized every few weeks during the growing season.

4. Garlic Spray

If you’re looking for a more potent natural repellent to get rid of cats from your garden, garlic spray may be the answer. Not only can is the pungent smell of garlic great at repelling Vampires, but it also does a great job of keeping cats away.

Simply mix a tbsp of dried garlic powder with a cup of warm water and add it to a spray bottle. You can also soak fresh garlic cloves overnight in water and use the mixture as a spray. Apply the garlic spray around the perimeter of your garden and in areas where cats tend to enter. Re-apply every few days or after it rains.

The spray is also gentle and safe to use directly on the leaves of your plants. However, avoid spraying it directly on the flowers as it may deter other beneficial insects such as bees.

5. Hot Pepper Repellent

Another effective and natural way to keep cats away from your garden is to use hot pepper repellent. Capsicum peppers, such as jalapeños, cayenne, and habanero contain capsaicin, a compound that causes an unpleasant burning sensation.

Simply mix a few tablespoons of hot pepper flakes into two cups of water and add it to a spray bottle. Spray the mixture directly onto plants or around the perimeter of your garden and reapply when necessary. Again, avoid spraying directly onto flowers as this will also deter beneficial insects like bees.

6. Motion Sensor Sprinklers

One of the most effective and amusing ways to keep cats away from your garden is with a motion sensor sprinkler. These devices are triggered when an animal enters the garden and will emit a short burst of water, startling the cat and scaring it away.

Some advanced motion sensor sprinklers are battery-operated and come with their own water reservoir. These two features eliminate the hassle of having to run wires and hoses around your garden.

Battery-operated motion sensor sprinklers can also be moved around to certain “hot spots” where cats are known to frequent.

7. Ultrasonic Deterrent

If you’re looking for a non-invasive and humane way to keep cats away from your garden, an ultrasonic deterrent is a great option. These devices use high-frequency sound waves that can be heard by animals but not humans. The sound is unpleasant and will cause cats to flee the area.

Most ultrasonic deterrents are usually battery-powered and can be set up in just a few minutes. They are also weatherproof and come with motion sensors that will only activate when an animal is detected.

8. Outdoor Litter Box

When dealing with stray cats in your garden, you can use methods that are a bit harsher (such as Hot Pepper). However, when dealing with someone’s pet such as a neighbor’s cat, you may want to try a more democratic approach.

One way to do this is by setting up an outdoor litter box in your garden. Cats are drawn to areas where they can use the bathroom and will be deterred from other places if they have an alternative option.

9. Plastic Forks

If you’re looking for a low-cost solution to keep cats away from your garden, it’s time to break out the plastic forks! Cats don’t like the feel of these sharply pointed objects under their paws and will quickly move off when they come across them.

Simply stick a few plastic forks into the ground around your plants or around the perimeter of your garden. When cats walk over them, they will be startled and quickly look for another place to rest or play.

10. Chicken Wire

Chicken wire is an inexpensive yet effective way to keep cats away from your garden. Cats won’t like walking on the uneven surface of the wire and may even get stuck if they try to climb over it.

Set up chicken wire around the perimeter of your garden or use it to create a cage-like structure that covers the entire area. This will keep cats out and prevent them from jumping over fences or walls.

11. Landscaping Rocks

Cats tend to visit the garden for the sole purpose of finding a soft spot to dig and bury their waste. To prevent them from doing this, you can place landscaping rocks around your plants or along the perimeter of your garden.

Cats’ paws are not designed to dig through rocks and stones. Adding a layer of landscaping stones and small rocks will deter cats from digging, thus keeping them out of your garden.

12. Commercial Repellents

If all else fails, you can always resort to commercial repellents. There are several natural products on the market designed specifically to repel cats and keep them away from gardens, lawns, and other areas.

These repellents typically contain ingredients like garlic, citronella, and even hot pepper. They are safe to use around plants, pets, and children and can be applied directly to the area or used in a spray bottle.

Whatever method you choose, make sure to keep an eye out for any returning cats and reapply the repellent as needed. With a bit of patience and some creative tactics, it’s possible to keep cats away from your garden for good!